Granding system

The University of Social and Media Culture in Toruń, Poland, applies the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). It ensures reckoning of both national and foreign study programs as part of the course followed by a student at his/her Alma Mater.
The ECTS system promotes and facilitates collaboration between universities in terms of student exchange and aims to unify the process of studying in Europe. It thus leads to full recognition of study periods undertaken abroad and in Poland.
The Polish grading system in higher education is based on the 5 to 2 scale, where 5 is the best mark and 2 is the worst.
Moreover, students can also be marked with additional sign of +, which equals half a point: + means 0.5 more. Some courses, however, are not evaluated on such a marking scheme and for these a student may simply obtain zal. or zaliczenie which means that their workload was satisfactory and they have passed the course.
Local grade
ECTS grade
Local definition
Very good (bardzo dobry)
Better than good
Good (dobry)
Better than satisfactory
Satisfactory (dostateczny)
Unsatisfactory, fail (niedostateczny)
Credited without a mark
zal. z oceną
Credited with a mark
In general, ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) helps facilitate the recognition of periods of study abroad and enhances the quality and volume of student mobility in Europe. The University of Social and Media Culture in Toruń also follows ECTS scheme. ECTS credits are allocated to course units, lectures, practical works, at each faculty. In ECTS, 60 credits represent one year of study (in terms of workload); normally 30 credits are given for six months (a term/semester).
Credits are allocated to courses and are awarded to students who successfully complete those courses by passing the examinations or other assessments. ECTS credits do not replace local grades! They make study programmes easier to read and compare for all students and lecturers, local and foreign.
Since not all the ECTS Information Packages are available on the Internet, please contact your responsible departmental coordinator for more information.